Source code for algebraixlib.util.miscellaneous

"""Miscellaneous utility functions and classes."""

# $Id: 23464 2015-12-08 01:12:09Z sjohnston $
# Copyright Algebraix Data Corporation 2015 - $Date: 2015-12-07 19:12:09 -0600 (Mon, 07 Dec 2015) $
# This file is part of algebraixlib <>.
# algebraixlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version
# 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# algebraixlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with algebraixlib.
# If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import inspect as _inspect
import sys as _sys
import textwrap as _textwrap
import time as _time

[docs]def get_full_class_name(obj: object) -> str: """Get the fully qualified name of a class. :param obj: An object. :return: The class name of ``obj``, fully qualified with package and module name(s). """ module_name = _inspect.getmodule(obj).__name__ class_name = obj.__class__.__name__ full_name = module_name + '.' + class_name return full_name
[docs]def get_hash(*args) -> int: """Create a hash of the arguments. :param args: Any number of arguments. :return: A hash of ``args``. The hash is an integer with the width of hashes on the system. """ assert len(args) > 0 hash_val = 0 for arg in args: hash_val += hash(arg) hash_val &= ((1 << _sys.hash_info.width) - 1) return hash_val
[docs]def get_single_iter_elem(iterable): """Get the single element of ``iterable``. :param iterable: An iterable that is expected to have a single element. :return: The single element of ``iterable``. (Assert if there isn't exactly one element.) :raise: `StopIteration` if ``iterable`` doesn't contain at least one element; ``TypeError`` if ``iterable`` isn't iterable. """ assert len(iterable) == 1 return next(iter(iterable))
[docs]def get_variable(variable_name: str, frames_up: int): """Return the variable with name ``variable_name``, from ``frames_up`` frames upwards. :param variable_name: The name of the variable to retrieve and return. :param frames_up: The number of call stack frames up (relative to the caller of this function). :return: The variable with the name ``variable_name``, ``frames_up`` frames up. """ current_frame = _inspect.currentframe() outer_frames = _inspect.getouterframes(current_frame) (caller_frame, _, _, _, _, _) = outer_frames[frames_up + 1] variable_value = caller_frame.f_locals[variable_name] return variable_value
# noinspection PyIncorrectDocstring
[docs]def open_webpage_from_html_str(html: str): """Open the HTML content string ``html`` in the system default browser.""" import tempfile import webbrowser webpage = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".html") webpage.write(bytes(html, 'utf-8')) webpage.close() webbrowser.open_new(
[docs]def write_to_file_or_path(file_or_path, data_functor): """If ``file_or_path`` is a string, open a file and call ``data_functor`` on it. If it is not a string, assume it is a file-like object (with a ``.write()`` function) and call ``data_functor`` on it. :param file_or_path: A string or a file-like object (with a .write() function). :param data_functor: A function-like object with one argument that is the writer. """ if isinstance(file_or_path, str): # 'with' syntax handles close no matter what. with open(file_or_path, "w+", newline='') as out_file: data_functor(out_file) else: # Assume 'file_or_path' is a writer-type object. data_functor(file_or_path)
[docs]class FunctionTimer: """Time a function (and parts of it), with provisions for call hierarchies of functions. Example code: .. code:: from algebraixlib.util.miscellaneous import FunctionTimer def foo(): skip_laps = False # Set to True to skip lap prints. timer1 = FunctionTimer() var1 = 'something' # Do some work. timer1.lap('var1', skip=skip_laps) var2 = 'something else' # Do some more work. timer1.lap('var2', skip=skip_laps) result = 'laboriously calculated' # Do still more work. timer1.end('result') return result timer = FunctionTimer(is_function=False) foo() timer.lap(desc='after first call') foo() timer.lap(desc='after second call') """ #: The current indent level. Is incremented at the beginning of a function (creation of a new #: instance) and decremented at the end (`end`). _indent = -1 #: The number of spaces for a single indent. Is constant. _indent_space_cnt = 3 def __init__(self, is_function: bool=True, quiet: bool=False, args: []=None, notime: bool=False, walltime: bool=False): """Store time and caller's function name, increase indent, print caller's arguments.""" FunctionTimer._indent += 1 self._notime = notime self._quiet = quiet self._timer = _time.perf_counter if walltime else _time.process_time self._time_str = 'elapsed' if walltime else 'used' start_format = self.get_indent() + '...{0} START ' if is_function: current_frame = _inspect.currentframe() outer_frames = _inspect.getouterframes(current_frame) (caller_frame, _, _, _, _, _) = outer_frames[1] _, _, _, values = _inspect.getargvalues(caller_frame) self.func_name = _inspect.getframeinfo(caller_frame)[2] if args is None: args = values.keys() if len(args) == 0: arguments = '' start_format += '{1}' else: arguments = '; '.join( ['{0}: {1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in values.items() if k in args]) start_format += '(args: {1})' else: self.func_name = '(main)' arguments = '' start_format += '{1}' if not self._quiet: print(start_format.format(self.func_name, arguments)) self._ended = False self.start_time = self._timer() def __del__(self): self._final_outdent() def __enter__(self): return self # noinspection PyUnusedLocal def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._final_outdent() def _final_outdent(self): if not self._ended: FunctionTimer._indent -= 1 self._ended = True
[docs] def print(self, *texts): if not self._quiet: print(_textwrap.indent(' '.join(str(text) for text in texts), self.get_indent(additional=1)))
[docs] def lap(self, variable_name: str=None, desc: str=None, skip: bool=False, short: bool=False, max_length: int=10000): """Print the currently elapsed time and optionally a variable value, properly indented. :param variable_name: The name of the variable to be printed. Defaults to ``None``. :param desc: A description for this lap. Only used if ``variable_name`` is ``None``. :param skip: Set to ``True`` to skip this lap. Defaults to ``False``. :param short: Print a short lap result without the full content of ``variable_name``. :param max_length: Maximal length of print. Defaults to 10000 characters. """ if not skip and not self._quiet: self._print('LAP', variable_name, desc, short, frames_up=1, max_length=max_length) return self
[docs] def end(self, variable_name: str=None, desc: str=None, short: bool=False, max_length: int=10000): """Decrease indent, print the elapsed time and optionally a variable value. :param variable_name: The name of the variable to be printed. Defaults to ``None``. :param desc: A description for this lap. Only used if ``variable_name`` is ``None``. :param short: Print a short lap result without the full content of ``variable_name``. :param max_length: Maximal length of print. Defaults to 10000 characters. """ if not self._quiet: self._print('END', variable_name, desc, short, frames_up=1, max_length=max_length) self._final_outdent()
def _print(self, label: str, variable_name: str, desc: str, short: bool, frames_up: int, max_length: int): """Print the elapsed time and an optional variable value. :param label: A label to print after the function name. Indicate the occasion; set to ``'LAP'`` by `lap` and ``'END'`` by `end`. :param variable_name: The name of the variable to print after the elapsed time. Skip if the name is empty or ``None``. :param frames_up: The number of call stack frames upwards (relative to the caller) where the variable is located. """ frmt_str = '{indent}...{func_name} {label}' frmt_args = {'indent': self.get_indent(), 'func_name': self.func_name, 'label': label} if not self._notime: frmt_str += ' ({time_str} {elapsed_time:.3f} s)' frmt_args['elapsed_time'] = self.get_elapsed_time() frmt_args['time_str'] = self._time_str print(frmt_str.format(**frmt_args), end='') if variable_name is not None: assert desc is None print(': ', end='') print_var(variable_name, short=short, frames_up=frames_up + 1, max_length=max_length, indent=self.get_indent(1), indent_first='') elif desc is not None: print(': {0}'.format(desc)) else: print('')
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): """Return the time elapsed since construction in seconds (see ``__init__()``).""" elapsed = self._timer() - self.start_time return elapsed
[docs] def get_indent(additional: int=0) -> str: """Return the current indent as string of spaces. :param additional: (Optional) Additional levels of indentation. Defaults to 0. """ return ' ' * (FunctionTimer._indent_space_cnt * (FunctionTimer._indent + additional))
[docs]def core(string: str, begin_len: int=0, end_len: int=0) -> str: """Remove characters in the middle of a string by specifying the length of the beginning of the string and the length of the ending of the string. Ellipses are inserted in place of the core of the string that is being removed. :param string: The string to process. :param begin_len: The length, in characters, of the beginning part of the string. :param end_len: The length, in characters, of the ending part of the string. """ if begin_len > 0 and end_len > 0 and begin_len - end_len < len(string): string = string[:begin_len] + '\n...\n' + string[-end_len:] return string
[docs]class PerformanceTimer: def __init__(self, quiet: bool=False): self._quiet = quiet self._start_time = _time.perf_counter() self._end_time = None
[docs] def end(self, msg=''): if self._end_time is None: self._end_time = _time.perf_counter() if not self._quiet: print('{} elapsed time: {:.5f} seconds'.format(msg, self.get_elapsed_time()))
[docs] def get_elapsed_time(self): return self._end_time - self._start_time
@property def get_start_time(self) -> float: return self._start_time @property def get_end_time(self) -> float: return self._end_time