Source code for algebraixlib.util.mathobjectprinter

r"""Pretty-printing of `MathObject`\s."""

# $Id: 22800 2015-08-14 14:59:01Z gfiedler $
# Copyright Algebraix Data Corporation 2015 - $Date: 2015-08-14 09:59:01 -0500 (Fri, 14 Aug 2015) $
# This file is part of algebraixlib <>.
# algebraixlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version
# 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# algebraixlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with algebraixlib.
# If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import algebraixlib.mathobjects as _mo

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[docs]def mo_to_str(math_object: _mo.MathObject, abbreviated=False, indent_text=' ', indent='', max_line_len=95): """Return the contents of the `MathObject` ``math_object`` as a readable string. :type math_object: _mo.MathObject|_mo.Atom|_mo.Couplet|_mo.Set :param abbreviated: If ``False`` spell out `MathObject` names; if ``True`` use shorter symbols. :param indent_text: The string used when indenting. :param indent: The accumulated indent that is increased using ``indent_text`` during recursive calls. :param max_line_len: The maximum number of characters per line. Longer lines are truncated. """ def _couplet_pre_text(): if abbreviated: return '(' return 'Couplet(' def _couplet_left_text(): if abbreviated: return '' return 'left=' def _couplet_seperator_text(): if abbreviated: return '->' return ', ' def _couplet_right_text(): if abbreviated: return '' return 'right=' def _couplet_post_text(): if abbreviated: return ')' return ')' def _set_pre_text(): if abbreviated: return '{' return 'Set({' def _set_post_text(): if abbreviated: return '}' return '})' mo_str = '' if math_object.is_atom: if abbreviated: mo_str = str(math_object) else: mo_str = repr(math_object) elif math_object.is_couplet: mo_str += indent + _couplet_pre_text() + _couplet_left_text() mo_str += mo_to_str( math_object.left, abbreviated, indent_text, indent + indent_text, max_line_len) mo_str += _couplet_seperator_text() + _couplet_right_text() if math_object.right.is_set: mo_str += '\n' right = mo_to_str( math_object.right, abbreviated, indent_text, indent + indent_text, max_line_len) if math_object.right.is_atom: if len(mo_str) + len(right) > max_line_len: pos = max_line_len - len('...') - len(mo_str) - len(right) \ - len(_couplet_post_text() + '\n') right = right[:pos] right += '...' mo_str += right if math_object.right.is_set: mo_str += indent mo_str += _couplet_post_text() + '\n' elif math_object.is_set: mo_str += indent + _set_pre_text() for sub in math_object: if sub.is_set or sub.is_couplet: mo_str += '\n' break i = len(math_object) - 1 for sub in math_object: mo_str += mo_to_str(sub, abbreviated, indent_text, indent + indent_text, max_line_len) if sub.is_atom and i > 0: mo_str += ', ' i -= 1 mo_str += indent + _set_post_text() + '\n' else: raise AssertionError('Type {type} not yet implemented'.format(type=type(math_object))) return mo_str