algebraixlib.mathobjects.set module

Provide the class Set; it represents a set.

class algebraixlib.mathobjects.set.Set(*args, direct_load=False)[source]

Bases: algebraixlib.mathobjects.mathobject.MathObject

A set containing zero or more different MathObject instances.

  • args – Zero or more unnamed arguments that are placed into the created Set. If you want to pass in an iterable, you need to prefix it with an asterisk *. If no argument is given or the given iterable is empty, an empty set is created. (A Python string of type str is an iterable, but it is considered a single, non-iterable argument.)
  • direct_load – (Optional) Set to True if you know that all arguments (or all elements of the iterable) are instances of MathObject.

Read-only; return the elements of this instance as a frozenset of MathObject instances.


Read-only; return the number of elements in the set.


Return True if this set is empty.

has_element(elem: algebraixlib.mathobjects.mathobject.MathObject) → bool[source]

Return whether elem is an element of this set. elem must be a MathObject.

For a more relaxed version (that auto-converts non-MathObject arguments into instances of Atom) see __contains__ and the construct elem in Set.

get_ground_set() → algebraixlib.structure.Structure[source]

Return the ground set of the lowest-level algebra of this Set.

get_left_set() → 'P( M )'[source]

Get the left set for this Set. Return Undef() if not applicable.

get_right_set() → 'P( M )'[source]

Get the right set for this Set. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_regular() → bool[source]

Return whether self is regular. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_functional() → bool[source]

Return whether self is functional. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_right_functional() → bool[source]

Return whether self is right-functional. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_bijective() → bool[source]

Return whether self is bijective. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_reflexive() → bool[source]

Return whether self is reflexive. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_symmetric() → bool[source]

Return whether self is symmetric. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_transitive() → bool[source]

Return whether self is transitive. Return Undef() if not applicable.

is_equivalence_relation() → bool[source]

Return whether self is an equivalence relation. Return Undef() if not applicable.


Implement value-based equality. Return True if type and set elements match.


Implement value-based inequality. Return True if type or set elements don’t match.


Return True if item is a member of this set. If item is not a MathObject, it is converted into an Atom.

This allows Boolean expressions of the form element in Set.


Return a hash based on the value that is calculated on demand and cached.


Return the instance’s code representation.


Return the instance’s string representation.

__call__(*args, **kwargs) → '( M )'[source]

With the syntax mo(left), return the right associated with left.

  • args – Exactly one argument is expected; it is the left of the couplet of which the right is returned.
  • kwargs – Named arguments are not supported.

If self is a function, return the right component of the couplet that has as left the single argument if one exists; return Undef() if no couplet with the given left exists. Also return Undef() if self is not a function.

__getitem__(left) → 'P( M )'[source]

With the syntax mo[left], return a set of rights associated with left.

Parameters:left – The left component of the couplet(s) of which the right component(s) are returned.
Returns:If self is a relation, return a set that contains the right(s) of the couplet(s) that have a left component that matches left. If self is a clan, return a set that contains the right(s) of all couplets in all relations that have a left component that matches left. (The returned set may be empty if no couplet with the given left exists.) Return Undef() if self is neither a relation nor a clan.
cache_is_relation(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not a relation. See [PropCache].

cache_is_clan(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not a clan. See [PropCache].

cache_is_functional(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not functional. See [PropCache].

cache_is_right_functional(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not a right-functional. See [PropCache].

cache_is_regular(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not regular. See [PropCache].

cache_is_reflexive(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not reflexive. See [PropCache].

cache_is_symmetric(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not symmetric. See [PropCache].

cache_is_transitive(value: bool)[source]

Cache whether self is or is not transitive. See [PropCache].