Source code for algebraixlib.util.html

r"""Utilities that present `MathObject`\s as HTML pages."""

# $Id: 22702 2015-07-28 20:20:56Z jaustell $
# Copyright Algebraix Data Corporation 2015 - $Date: 2015-07-28 15:20:56 -0500 (Tue, 28 Jul 2015) $
# This file is part of algebraixlib <>.
# algebraixlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version
# 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# algebraixlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with algebraixlib.
# If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import collections as _collections
import html as _html
import io as _io

import algebraixlib.mathobjects as _mo
import algebraixlib.util.latexprinter as _latexprinter

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#: Named `tuple` for collecting information about a `MathObject`.
#: It contains:
#: -    ``input_title``: (Optional) A string that can serve as a name, origin expression or title.
#: -    ``data_algebra_construct``: The `MathObject` or container of `MathObject`\s.
#: -    ``description_brief``: (Optional) A string to display more detail.
DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor = _collections.namedtuple(
    'input_title data_algebra_construct description_brief')

[docs]def math_object_as_html(title: str, data_algebra_html_descriptors: [], header_template: str=None, footer_template: str=None, mathobject_template: str=None) -> str: r"""Return the contents of an HTML webpage representing a `MathObject`, using templates. :param title: The title for this page of `MathObject`\s. :param data_algebra_html_descriptors: An array of `DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor` instances (containing math objects and their related descriptive strings). :param header_template: HTML markup that starts the webpage. May contain the template variable ``page_title``; it is set to the value of ``title``. :param footer_template: HTML markup that ends the page. :param mathobject_template: The HTML markup that is emited for each math object. May contain the template variables ``input_title``, ``description_brief`` and ``data_algebra_construct``, which are replaced with the respective values in the associated ``DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor``. """ # The default header template. Start the web page and set up some basic styles for the various # display elements. Requires the template argument 'page_title' (the title for the document that # is being created). default_header_template = """\ <html> <head> <script src=''> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ //]]> </script> <style> body {{background-color: #F8F8FF}} #page_title{{}} #input_title{{}} #description_brief{{ border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; background-color: white; }} #data_algebra_construct{{ border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; background-color: white; }} </style> </head> <body> <h1 id="page_title">{page_title}</h1> """ if header_template is None: header_template = default_header_template # The default footer. Only closes the body and html tags, assumed to have been opened by the # header. It is not an actual template. default_footer = """</body></html>""" if footer_template is None: footer_template = default_footer # The default math object template. Add a section to the page that displays a math object with # associated descriptive text. Requires three template arguments (the names match the members of # DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor): # - input_title: A string naming the math object, displayed in an h2 header. May contain HTML # markup, but it needs to be consistent with being used in an h2 header. # - description_brief: A description of the mathobject, displayed in a preformatted section. May # contain HTML markup, but it needs to be consistent with being used in preformatted text. # - data_algebra_construct: Normally the LaTeX representation of the mathobject, but could also # be HTML markup, or a simple string representation of the math object. Is shown as standard # text. default_mathobject_template = """\ <h2 id="input_title">{input_title}</h2> <div id="description_brief"><pre>{description_brief}</pre></div> <div id="data_algebra_construct">{data_algebra_construct}</div> """ if mathobject_template is None: mathobject_template = default_mathobject_template writer = _io.StringIO() # Start the web page by appending the header, and injecting the title. writer.write(header_template.format(page_title=as_html_handle_basic_parameter(title))) # Appends the template, with replaced elements from the descriptors, for each description. # Makes use of delegate functions for rendering the different parameters. writer.write(''.join( [mathobject_template.format( input_title=as_html_handle_basic_parameter(dataAlgebraDescriptor.input_title), description_brief=as_html_handle_basic_parameter( dataAlgebraDescriptor.description_brief), data_algebra_construct=as_html_handle_data_algebra( dataAlgebraDescriptor.data_algebra_construct)) for dataAlgebraDescriptor in data_algebra_html_descriptors])) # Ends the web page with the provided footer. writer.write(footer_template) html_out = writer.getvalue() # print(html_out) return html_out
[docs]def as_html_handle_basic_parameter(html_input: str) -> str: """Return the string of ``html_input``, properly escaped for using it in HTML.""" return _html.escape(str(html_input))
[docs]def as_html_handle_data_algebra(mathobj): r"""Return ``mathobj`` converted into a string safe to be used in HTML. - If ``mathobj`` is a `MathObject`, it will be represented as LaTeX markup and wrapped in the mathjax escape token. - If it is a container of `MathObject`\s, then each one will be represented as LaTeX markup and displayed on its own line. - If it is not a `MathObject` then the ``str`` function will be invoked. """ if isinstance(mathobj, _mo.MathObject): # print this one math object return "$$" + _html.escape(_latexprinter.math_object_to_latex(mathobj)) + "$$" elif isinstance(mathobj, _collections.Iterable): temp = "" for elem in mathobj: if isinstance(elem, _mo.MathObject): # latex temp += "$$\(\\require{color}\)\(\\require{xcolor}\)" + \ _html.escape(_latexprinter.math_object_to_latex(elem)) + "$$ <br //>" else: # str temp += _html.escape(str(elem)) + "<br //>" return temp else: # print this one non-math object using str(mathobjects) return _html.escape(str(mathobj))
[docs]def build_descriptors_from_math_obj(mathobjects): """Return an array of simple `DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor` of the objects in ``mathobjects``. :param mathobjects: List of objects from which to create descriptors. """ data_alg_descriptors = [] for mathobj in mathobjects: data_alg_descriptors.append( DataAlgebraHtmlDescriptor(str(mathobj), mathobj, "No Description,")) return data_alg_descriptors
[docs]def create_simple_web_page(mathobj: _mo.MathObject) -> str: """Return an HTML string for a simple HTML page from a single `MathObject`.""" web_template = """\ <html> <head> <script src=''> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ //]]> </script> <style> body {{background-color: #F8F8FF}} #latexArea, #dataAlgebraArea{{ width: 1000px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; overflow: scroll; background-color: white; resize: both; }} </style> </head> <body> <h1>MathJax is Easy!</h1> <h2>Input:</h2> <div id="dataAlgebraArea">{data_algebra_in!s}</div> <h2>Output:</h2> <div id="latexArea">$$\(\\require{color}\){latex_out}$$</div> </body></html> """ web_out = web_template.format( data_algebra_in=mathobj, latex_out=_latexprinter.math_object_to_latex(mathobj)) print(web_out) return web_out