Source code for

r"""Import :term:`regular` :term:`clan`\s from and export them to CSV data."""

# $Id: 22696 2015-07-28 16:33:58Z jaustell $
# Copyright Algebraix Data Corporation 2015 - $Date: 2015-07-28 11:33:58 -0500 (Tue, 28 Jul 2015) $
# This file is part of algebraixlib <>.
# algebraixlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version
# 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# algebraixlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with algebraixlib.
# If not, see <>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import collections as _collections
import csv as _csv

import algebraixlib.algebras.clans as _clans
import algebraixlib.algebras.multiclans as _multiclans
import algebraixlib.algebras.relations as _relations
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
import as _util
import algebraixlib.mathobjects as _mo
import algebraixlib.undef as _ud
import algebraixlib.util.miscellaneous as _misc

[docs]def export_csv(absolute_clan: 'PP(A x A)', file_or_path, ordered_lefts=None, sort_key=None): r"""Export a regular, absolute clan as CSV file with header row. The :term:`left component`\s of the :term:`clan` are interpreted as column names and are exported as header row. Every :term:`relation` in the clan becomes a data row in the CSV file. :param absolute_clan: A :term:`regular`, :term:`absolute clan`. :param file_or_path: Either a file path (in this case the CSV data is written to a file at this location) or a file object (in this case the CSV data is written to its ``.write()`` function). :param ordered_lefts: (Optional) A ``Sequence`` of :term:`left`\s that are exported in the given order. Default is the sequence that is the lexically sorted :term:`left set` of the clan. :param sort_key: (Optional) A function that compares two row-:term:`relation`\s and provides an order (for use with :func:`sorted`). The output is not sorted if ``sort_key`` is missing. :return: ``True`` if the CSV export succeeded, `Undef()` if not. """ if not _clans.is_absolute_member(absolute_clan) \ and not _multiclans.is_absolute_member(absolute_clan): return _ud.make_or_raise_undef() if ordered_lefts is None and not absolute_clan.is_regular(): return _ud.make_or_raise_undef() if ordered_lefts is None: # Since this clan is regular, get first relation to acquire left set. rel = next(iter(absolute_clan)) # left_set is sorted to guarantee consistent iterations ordered_lefts = sorted([left.value for left in rel.get_left_set()]) # Generate dictionaries that associates left components with their right components for each # relation. clan_as_list_of_dicts = _convert_clan_to_list_of_dicts( ordered_lefts, (absolute_clan if sort_key is None else sorted(absolute_clan, key=sort_key))) # Write the dictionaries. _csv_dict_writer(file_or_path, ordered_lefts, clan_as_list_of_dicts) return True
def _csv_dict_writer(file_or_path, ordered_columns: _collections.Sequence, data: _collections.Sequence): """Write a CSV file using `csv.DictWriter`. :param file_or_path: Either a file path (in this case the CSV data is written to a file at this location) or a file object (in this case the CSV data is written to its ``.write()`` function). :param ordered_columns: A `Sequence` of column names (atoms). The columns are written in the given order. :param data: A `Sequence` of rows, where each row is a dictionary, mapping a column name to its value in the given row. Both the column name and the value are atoms. """ def write_data(out_file): writer = _csv.DictWriter( f=out_file, fieldnames=ordered_columns, dialect='excel') writer.writeheader() for row in data: writer.writerow(row) _misc.write_to_file_or_path(file_or_path, write_data) def _convert_clan_to_list_of_dicts(ordered_lefts: 'P( A )', absolute_clan: 'PP(A x A)') -> list: """Convert a regular, absolute clan into a list of dictionaries. :param ordered_lefts: The left components of ``absolute_clan`` that are converted. :param absolute_clan: A regular, absolute clan that is converted into a list of dictionaries. :return: A list of dictionaries. Every dictionary represents a single relation in ``absolute_clan``. The lefts of the relation become the keys, the rights become the values of the dictionary. """ for rel in absolute_clan: left_to_right_dict = {} for left in ordered_lefts: # Get the right component associated with left and add it to our row. right = _relations.get_right(rel, left) if right is not _ud.Undef(): left_to_right_dict[left] = right.value # Add right component dictionary to result yield left_to_right_dict
[docs]def import_csv(csv_file_or_filepath, types=None, skip_rows=0, index_column=None, has_dup_rows=False) -> 'PP( A x M )': r"""Import the file ``csv_file_or_filepath`` as CSV data and return a clan. :param csv_file_or_filepath: The file path or file object (for example ``StringIO`` buffer) to import. :param types: (Optional) A dictionary of type conversions. The keys are the column names; the values are functors (or types) that receive the string from the CSV cell and return the value to be imported. Example: ``{'foo': int, 'bar': float}``. By default all values are interpreted as `string`\s. :param skip_rows: (Optional) A number of lines to skip (default 0). Some CSV files have a preamble that can be skipped with this option. :param index_column: (Optional) A name for an index column. (No index column is created if this argument is not specified.) The index starts with 0. (This option is not compatible with the ``has_dup_rows`` option.) :param has_dup_rows: (Optional) If ``True``, allow duplicate rows and return a multiclan instead of a clan. By default, the value is ``False`` and a clan is returned. (This option is not compatible with the option ``index_column``.) :return: A :term:`clan` (if ``has_dup_rows is ``False`` or not provided) or a :term:`multiclan` (if ``has_dup_rows`` is ``True``). """ if types is None: types = {} def _filter_row(row): """Remove missing and blank elements from the CSV row.""" for key, val in row.items(): if val is None or val == '': continue yield key, val _util.get_left_cached.left_cache = {} import_csv.regular = True # Set to false if any row is missing one or more values assert ((index_column is not None) & (has_dup_rows is False)) or (index_column is None) def _import_csv(csv_file): for _ in range(0, skip_rows): next(csv_file) reader = _csv.DictReader(csv_file) _index = 0 for row in reader: filtered_row = {key: val for key, val in _filter_row(row)} if import_csv.regular and len(row) != len(filtered_row): import_csv.regular = False for key, val in types.items(): if key in filtered_row: filtered_row[key] = val(filtered_row[key]) if index_column is not None: filtered_row[index_column] = _index _index += 1 yield _mo.Set( (_mo.Couplet(left=_util.get_left_cached(left), right=_mo.Atom(right), direct_load=True) for left, right in filtered_row.items()), direct_load=True).cache_is_relation(True).cache_is_functional(True) if hasattr(csv_file_or_filepath, "readlines"): # Support StringIO. if has_dup_rows: return _mo.Multiset(_import_csv(csv_file_or_filepath), direct_load=True) else: return _mo.Set(_import_csv(csv_file_or_filepath), direct_load=True).cache_is_clan( True).cache_is_functional(True).cache_is_regular(import_csv.regular) else: with open(csv_file_or_filepath, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: if has_dup_rows: return _mo.Multiset(_import_csv(file), direct_load=True) else: return _mo.Set(_import_csv(file), direct_load=True).cache_is_clan( True).cache_is_functional(True).cache_is_regular(import_csv.regular)